25 January 2007

My qualifications

MSc (Imperial College) My thesis investigated the opportunities and challenges that face integrating environmental sustainability into land reform. Titled “Holding the knife by the sharp edge" - a Rural Womens' Movement slogan.
BA Honours (Wits) My dissertation dealt with the impact of the cultivation of dagga (cannabis sativa) on rural livelihoods and was titled “From healing herb to deadly drug: culture, ideology and the control of cannabis sativa".
Higher Diploma in Education, (Wits) I'm a also qualified teacher, specialising in Geography, Science and Zulu. 
Permaculture I buy into this paradigm! I've done courses and also one in mudbrick building. It's awesome.
Strugglista In the '80s and '90s I was an activist in South Africa working towards political transition in South Africa. I helped building rural schools in former Venda, Gazankulu and Lebowa with the South African Voluntary Services, campaigned for putting an end to conscription, ran land and environmental justice campaigns in the Vaal Triangle and Greater Gauteng region, was a tutor and counsellor for child ex-detainees.
SRC I was elected to the Wits SRC in 1989 on a Green ticket. To be honest, green issues were so low on the agenda in South Africa in those days, all I achieved there was getting a student parking lot tarred!